Planning and delivering a DRAW session
A DRAW session might consist of four to six DRAW episodes, that is four to six different role-plays. A session needs careful planning in order to be optimum.
There are six stages to producing a successful and stimulating DRAW session, as indicated below.

The first three stages involve advance planning: they take place before the actual timetabled session with the trainees. For each DRAW episode they are: (1) choosing the challenge, (2) choosing the drama, and (3) choosing the springboard moment.
Planning stages of DRAW

the challenge
The whole purpose of DRAW lies in teaching junior doctors. It is therefore important that each scenario addresses an important teaching point. There is no point in choosing a moment of exciting drama to show the class unless it clearly also relates to a challenging situation that is difficult for the doctor to deal with, where

the source
In searching film and TV sources for suitable sources of drama for DRAW scenarios, there is a tendency to seek the most exciting and dramatic situations. However, the question of medical authenticity must be a primary consideration. The aim of immersing the class in the drama will not succeed if they are distracted by complaints of

the springboard moment
A key element in the setting up of A DRAW scenario is the identification of a springboard moment. This is the moment in the drama where the doctor is faced with her difficult decision. She must now act; but how? The problem has been explained by the previous dramatic action; the class is emotionally involved
The three delivery stages take place on the day of the timetable DRAW session. They are: (4) video projection, (5) role-play, and (6) discussion.
Delivery stages of DRAW

OK, so you’ve found a great video clip and you’ve identified the springboard moment. Now might be a good time to look at the note on copyright in the footer of this page. When you’re ready to go, there are a few technical points to bear in mind. No one will become immersed in the drama if the

The trainee doctor must be sitting out front, opposite the ‘actor’, ready to start the role-play as soon as the pause button is pressed on the video. It’s important that there is a smooth transition from video to role-play at the springboard moment. There are few occasions in which a DRAW session budget could to

The post role-play discussion is a vital part of a DRAW episode and it is usually very productive. It should begin by asking the trainee how they thought the role-play had gone and following up on their reply before throwing discussion open to the whole class. As ever, the facilitator can guide discussion as they